Phone Number

+256 785 255806

Whatsapp Number

+256 776576670


P.O Box 1325 Kampala
Block 265 Plot 63 Zana

Pre-Hospital Disaster Response Coordination & Management
Ambulance Inspection & Assessments
Uganda First Aid Course for Lay Responders
Community First Aid Responder (CFAR)
Basic Emergency Care (BEC)
Workplace First Aid Training

The Emergency First Aid Responder (EFAR) training programme was created based on the knowledge that community members are often the first to witness and respond to medical emergencies, and are therefore an essential first link to emergency care systems. CFAR is an open-access, short course that emphasizes community participation and ownership to empower communities to manage their own emergencies. Community members learn to provide life-saving care in the interim before the ambulance or next level of EMS care arrives, and are familiarized with the broader emergency care system so that they become an active and integrated part of this system.  Duration 5days  

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