Phone Number

+256 785 255806

Whatsapp Number

+256 776576670


P.O Box 1325 Kampala
Block 265 Plot 63 Zana


The Association of Ambulance Professionals Uganda (AAPU) Ltd

The Association of Ambulance Professionals Uganda (AAPU) Ltd, Registration number; 80020000330463, is a registered company (Limited by Guarantee) by the Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB).

AAPU was incorporated (Under section 18(3) of the Companies Act 2012) on 23rd June 2017.

AAPU is an umbrella body that brings together all Pre-hospital Emergency Medical Services providers in Uganda. We operate to represent and serve emergency medical services (EMS) practitioners through advocacy, education programs (Trainings) , coordination of emergency responses in times of disaster and conducting research, using our structures and secretariat staff that are committed, dedicated, and strive to achieve the Association objectives.

The association focuses on quality of service by the ambulance providers, ambulance training institutions, individual members, plus everyone who is enthusiastic about out of hospital emergency care.

AAPU functions as a conduit for professional development that introduces and manages professional change. It therefore scans the horizon for what is new in the profession and what is happening on the policy level that might affect the work of her members.
The leaders and members of the association have various back-grounds, experiences, expertise, and skills.
This concentration of expertise makes it very strong and powerful.

Organizational set up

The Association is comprised of the following:

AAPU Executive committee is composed of ten (10) members.  

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