+256 785 255806
+256 776576670
P.O Box 1325 Kampala
Block 265 Plot 63 Zana
The association of ambulance professionals is mandated to hold annual General meeting according to her constitution. (Article 11, section 1a, 1b and 1c).
Article 11; Meetings
From the above background, the steering committee together with the association executive board supported by Malteser International have organized the first ever AGM for the agency.
Since 2018, MI has been supporting various AAPU activities and building internal capacities for the growth of the association. Part of internal capacity development was the several workshops, consultations and meeting that have been funded to develop internal systems of the organization.
Many achievements have been attained and since internal processes must be aligned with the organizational set up, approved and agreed upon by the selected committee, clearly documented and communicated to the stake holders at every opportunity especially during meetings, the AGM becomes the perfect forum to disseminate and put in function all the policies, processes and structures developed.
Main Objective of the meeting
To fulfill the constitutional mandate of holding yearly meeting for the associations’ membership
Specific objectives
Proposed date for the AGM: 30TH OCTOBER 2021.
Proposed Venue: Pope Memorial Hotel Ndeeba/Lubaga
Planned Population: The meeting will be mainly physical with a population of 110people physical attendance